Post-Op Instructions for

Ear Tubes

ear tube
ear tube
ear pain

1.  Ear Pain: expect some mild pain after surgery. Tylenol should be sufficient to alleviate the pain. If your child is pulling at his ears, for more instructions, click here


2.  Unsteadiness: expect some. This is transient and should resolve in a few days. If dizziness is severe you should contact my office. 

bath tub

3.  Bath Water: should be kept out of the ears. Use fresh water from the shower head or tap to rinse the hair. Do not submerge the head under bath water. For tips on how to keep water out of the ears, click here

swimming pool

4.  Chlorinated Pools: swimming is acceptable for most patients. However, diving, swallowing while underwater, and going deep underwater may cause discomfort.

    pond water

    5.  Contaminated Water: swimming in oceans, lakes, ponds, rivers or streams requires the use of ear plugs and/or headbands. Do not use Silly Putty! Click here for more informations on ear plugs. Frequent Infections: may indicate the need for strict water precautions.

    ear drainage

    6.  Ear Drainage: may occur and is nothing to panic about. Call the office if you see drainage beyond the first 4 days after surgery. For more information, click here.

    hour glass

    7.  Duration: tubes last for 12-18 months on average. Individuals can vary by 6 months on either side of this range.

    ear drops

    8.  Drops: are very important! Use the prescribed ear drops as follows: 4 drops X 4 times daily X 4 days. The first set of drops were instilled at the time the tubes were placed. Click here for more information about ear drops.


    9.  Follow Up: call the office to schedule an appointment in 4 weeks. A hearing test will be repeated at this visit to insure improvement or identify problems.


    10.  After: the initial follow up visit, patients are seen every 3-6 months until the tubes have extruded, the eardrums are healed and the hearing is normal. Repeat tube placement may be necessary if problems recur.


    11.  Recovery: Patients may resume a regular diet as soon as they recover from anesthesia. Call for fever in excess of 102 degrees that does not respond to Tylenol.